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Kajak EXO XT 260

Article code: 1,1384002

The XT260 is our latest exciting white-water kayak. The XT260 is the more compact version of the successful XT300. Speed, agility and manoeuvrability are its winning characteristics like the popular XT300. The XT260’s smaller size combined with its excellent response and stability makes it particularly suitable for lighter paddlers. The newly designed interior structure (seat, footrest, thigh braces and bulkheads) gives the hull great rigidity allowing for noticeable weight reduction and improved performance. A real jewel and welcome addition to our white-water kayak range.

Price: 24 210,- Kč


Kajak EXO XT 260
Length 248 cm
Width 63 cm
Optimal weight of a paddler 60-100 kg
Maximum difficulty of river do WW 6

All prices are in Kc including VAT at 20%.

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